Cat from Mom Talk w/ 3 Kids and Us went shopping at Sam's Club and got some great values! Head over to her site and read about her trip, then enter for your chance to win a $100 Gift Card for yourself!
The Vtech Bugsby Reading System is an electronic pen that reads Bugsby System books to your child and lets them also play games. You can enter to win a book of your choice at Mommy's Quiet Time!
"Samsung's businesses harness the power of the digital revolution to create ground-breaking products and services that take consumers and businesses beyond imagination."
A question asked by Samsung Home Appliances and TwitterMoms. One lucky blogger who enters and gets the most comments on their blog posts will win a free Samsung Washer (WF448AAP) and Dryer (DV448AEP). All I have to do is write a post about The heart of our home.
I would have to say that the heart of our home would be the living room. That's where we spend most of our time. That's where we play. It's where we put all the blankets and pillows from the bed onto the floor and snuggle to relax from the day we had. It's where our oldest daughter makes the biggest messes! We Play board games, like Candyland! It's where we put up our Christmas tree and gather Christmas Eve and morning. I love that feeling.... We have a lot of memories here, and many more to come!
Michelle at Flying Giggles & Lollipops is celebrating her daughter's birthday with a birthday bash full of great giveaways! I will be entering many of them so here is the first post. Many more to come!
Flor Fall Collection Review and Giveaway at 3kidsandus. These rugs look so neat, and I really need one for my kitchen! Go check them out at FLOR, the head back to 3kidsandus to enter to win a rug!
As part of the Lands' End FeelGood Campaign, Lands' End will donate one cone of FeelGood yarn to an organization called Warming Families for every FeelGood sweater sold. Warming Families volunteers will use the yarn to knit warmwear for homeless individuals and families. Just one cone of yarn is enough to make 28 warm hats! So if you buy a Feel Good sweater for everyone on your List this holiday, that will make a lot of hats for the people who need them most. I am sure that will be a good enough gift to your loved ones. So they can actually feel good in their new sweater knowing that 28 people are a bit warmer because it was made!
To help spread the word, you are invited to join the Feel Good Twitter Party!
DATE: Wednesday, September 16th
TIME: 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. CST
HASHTAG: #landsend
There will be 20+ giveaways during this event hosted by Lands' End and Vickie Howell, craft author and host of Knitty Gritty!
Please help spread the word! Check out MomDot for more info!
Also check out this knitting “how to” video, featuring Vickie Howell, best-selling craft author and host of TV’s Knitty Gritty.
Everyone who has kids knows how fast they grow! Even just the littlest bit of growth can put a cute outfit into the pile for the Goodwill, or the hand-me-down pile! One thing I like to do to prepare for these stages while on a budget is buying at the right time. In other words.....Right now, store are stocking up on their winter clothes. To make room for those clothes they need to filter out the summer clothing. The summer clothing ends up on clearance and we end up getting a great deal on next year's summer outfits! I have a two year old and a two month old. So I have been buying lots of 3T/4T outfits, and 12 month outfits too! All for a fraction of the price they were just a few weeks ago!
Do you have tips to share on any of these subjects?
• How do you plan ahead for your baby’s growth and different clothing stages? • Share your savvy shopping tips for saving money while shopping for kids’ clothes. • Teaching a toddler (under 5 years) about value when shopping at stores. How do you instill an understanding of value when kids see people consuming everywhere? • Finding Style & Quality at Value Prices – in all areas of baby & toddler goods • How do you plan your shopping for children’s clothes for the year?
Head over to Twitter Mom's for more info on posting for the Gap Outlet Blogging Program. The first 50 bloggers receive a $20 Gift card to the Gap Outlet! You can also save by visiting
Oh so cute!!! I have a cart cover for Lily. It's cute, but these are so much cuter! Visit Two Of A Kind to enter for your chance to win cart cover from Ritzy Baby!
I love Melissa & Doug toys! Lily has a few of the wooden puzzles! They are very nice and natural! Head on over to Two Of A Kind to enter for your chance to win a Food Groups Toy from Melissa & Doug!
I would love to try these out on Quynn! It would save tons of money. Diapers are so danged expensive! Check out Two Of A Kind to enter for your chance to win a Kickernappies Diaper from the Cloth Diaper Outlet.
These diffusers are so unique! I have never seen anything like them. My favorites are the wall mounted ones. Check out Life Starring The Kids & Me to enter for your chance to win one!