Friday, September 11, 2009

0 Planning Ahead for Baby's Growth & and different clothing stages

Everyone who has kids knows how fast they grow! Even just the littlest bit of growth can put a cute outfit into the pile for the Goodwill, or the hand-me-down pile! One thing I like to do to prepare for these stages while on a budget is buying at the right time. In other words.....Right now, store are stocking up on their winter clothes. To make room for those clothes they need to filter out the summer clothing. The summer clothing ends up on clearance and we end up getting a great deal on next year's summer outfits! I have a two year old and a two month old. So I have been buying lots of 3T/4T outfits, and 12 month outfits too! All for a fraction of the price they were just a few weeks ago!

Do you have tips to share on any of these subjects?

• How do you plan ahead for your baby’s growth and different clothing stages?
• Share your savvy shopping tips for saving money while shopping for kids’ clothes.
• Teaching a toddler (under 5 years) about value when shopping at stores. How do you instill an understanding of value when kids see people consuming everywhere?
• Finding Style & Quality at Value Prices – in all areas of baby & toddler goods
• How do you plan your shopping for children’s clothes for the year?

Head over to Twitter Mom's for more info on posting for the Gap Outlet Blogging Program. The first 50 bloggers receive a $20 Gift card to the Gap Outlet! You can also save by visiting

Have fun, and happy shopping!

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