Friday, April 16, 2010

3 Ultimate Blog Party....AFTER PARTY!

Ultimate Blog Party 2010
It seems never-ending! Which is fine with me. For the past week I have been blog hopping through a lot of different blogs. Great blogs. It was nice to meet different people through the UBP because once you got to their blog, you already had one thing in common, and that's the UBP! I read a lot of interesting intros from people, and it was really fun. I didn't really take too much time to read a name in the linky list. I just kind of randomly clicked a name. That made it even better. I did visit quite a few blogs. At least 30! I plan to continue visiting new blogs into the rest of the year. I am posting just a couple blogs that I visited. I randomly chose these blogs out of the list of ones I visited, and they are in no particular order.

Hands, House, and Heart Full
Sugar Plum Treasures
The Creator's Palette
Bean Street Market

I want to urge you to view the comments on THIS POST and visit all the wonderful people who visited my blog during the party! Thank you to them!


Christine said...

Stopping by and following for the After Party! Woo hoo! :)

Here's my blog if you'd like to stop by my after party!

VKT said...

Hi there! I found your blog indirectly through Friday Follow. I would be happy to follow your blog if you follow mine. Have a great week-end!

kristy said...

Wow i found you thru the UBP. This is so much fun will be back!